Election Candidate Information ⭐
Dear Prospective Candidates, we have compiled essential information that you
must be aware of. Please take note of these important details!
1. According to Article 23, Section 1, Clause 2, the number of required
nomination signatures is '1/10 of the total students.' This is based on the
number of students enrolled as of the candidate recruitment start date,
which amounts to '75 students.' Please be mindful of this requirement!
2. Similar to previous elections, candidates will run in pairs, consisting of a
main candidate and a vice-candidate.
3. The election committee of each candidate pair can include up to 8 members,
excluding the candidate. The committee must be finalized by the registration
deadline. Note that student council department heads cannot participate in
the election committee. Only registered committee members can participate in
the election campaign, so please register your team members early. For more
details, refer to the Elect