Hello, this is HOUSE dormitory student council. If you are about to leave the dorm or change your room, you should pass the moving-out inspection before moving or leaving.
Make sure to check the below information in detail and please apply for the checking through the below Google docs.
- Subject of moving-out(maintenance) inspection
1. Rooms that all residents are leaving (general moving-out standard)
2. Rooms that one is leaving while the others maintain (only-one-resident moving-out standard)
3. Rooms which are subject to maintenance inspection (maintenance standard)
<Please apply one-person leaving moving-out inspection when your room is subject to both maintenance inspection and one-person leaving moving-out inspection>
❗️Make sure to apply the moving-out inspection even when only one person is leaving the room❗️
- Moving-out(maintenance) inspection period: 12/19(Thu) - 12/22(Sun)
- Available time for getting inspection:
12/19(Thu) ~ 12/20(Fri) 15:00 ~ 18:00
12/21(Sat) ~12/22(Sun) 10:00 ~ 12:00, 13:00 ~ 18:00
❗️The moving-out(maintenance) inspection is only available three times in total, and if you do not pass the moving-out inspection in three times, the moving-out inspection will be non-fulfillment.❗️
* Google docs for your applying to the Moving-out(maintenance) inspection: ( https://forms.gle/zJVVfDLKcjEBQ6hj7 )
※ For the first inspection checking, make sure to apply at least 1 hour earlier. (There is no such restriction for the re-checking.) ※
* You can't get any re-inspection(re-checking) after the inspection time is done.
* If there is a delay of more than 15 minutes, please contact us via 'GIST HOUSE' KakaoTalk channel.
* If you want to cancel the previous application and apply for a new application, please check the confirmation spreadsheet of the resignation inspection application and write down the exact date and time of the application to the specific information blank.
*If you do not pass the moving-out inspection until 12/22(Sun) at 18:00, your deposit can be redeemed and you can get up to 12 penalty points as follows.
17. Not following the proper procedures for moving-in and moving-out(maintenance) of the dormitory. - 7 points
22. Poor state of cleanliness (inadequate cleaning, not taking out the trash). - 5points
You can check the resignation inspection criteria table on the GIST HOUSE site - resignation inspection window. (URL : https://sites.google.com/view/gisthouse/homeeng/moving-out-confirmation/the-standard-of-the-moving-out )
3 months ago